Toru Takemitsu Composition Award
4 Finalists selected for Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2024
[Judge: Mark-Anthony Turnage]
01 Dec, 2023
Mark-Anthony Turnage, judge of the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2024, has chosen the following 4 orchestral works out of 102 entries from 27 countries (Countries & Regions) eligibly accepted by 29 September 2023. Screening was done with the anonymous scores having only their titles.
These 4 nominated works will be performed on 26 May 2024 at the Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall : Takemitsu Memorial for Mr. Turnage’s final judgement. Here is the list of finalists in order of their entry.
Applications for 2024(PDF/126KB)
- Year 2024 Mark-Anthony Turnage (United Kingdom)
©James Bellorini
Finalists (in order of entry)
Jingyu Chen (Hong Kong SAR)
Nebula for symphony orchestra
Born in Guangdong, China in 1994. She is a composer based in the UK. Holding a bachelor's degree from the Royal Northern College of Music and a master's degree from the Royal College of Music and the University of Cambridge, she is currently studying for a Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge. She has worked with ensembles and artists including members of the BBC Singers, Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, RCM orchestra, RNCM Brand New Orchestra, The Manchester Contemporary Youth Opera, and Amatis Trio. Her music has been performed at festivals including the New Music North West Festival, Manchester Science Festival, and 8³ New Music & Science. She is the recipient of awards including the III International Competition of Composers “New Music Generation” (2021), the Homerton Composing Competition (2022), and the UK International Music Competition (2023).

Jose Luis Valdivia Arias (Spain)
Al-Zahra - Three pieces for orchestra
Born in Granada, Spain in 1994. He is 2023 Tanglewood Music Center Composition Fellow and Resident Composer of the Music Youth of Spain 2023/2024. European Capital of Culture 2022 Commissioned, Ink Still Wet Scheme participant 2022, First price at the XXXIII SGAE-CNDM Young Composer Spanish Awards 2022, Second Prize at 3rd International Composers Competition for orchestra “New Music Generation” of Kazakh National University of Arts. His music has been performed by United Instruments of Lucilin (Luxembourg), Tonkünstler Orchestra (Austria), Doelen Ensemble (Netherlands).

Alessandro Adamo (Italy)
Born in Campobasso, Italy in 1995. He began his studies at the Conservatory of Music of Campobasso at the age of 14 graduated in classical percussion in 2018 and composition in 2023. In the recent years he has been awarded: the first prize in the ‘Ninth International Online Jean Sibelius Fest Composition Competition’ (Turku, Finland - Student Category); the fourth prize in the ‘Maestros Vision Awards International Composition Competition’ (Beijing, China - Young Artist Category); the third prize in the ‘International Composition Competition Carlo Sanvitale’ (Ortona, Italy – no age limits). Since 2020 to date, he has been commissioned to write compositions for chamber ensembles and solo instruments by associations Amici della Musica of Campobasso (Italy), Amici della Musica of Padova (Italy) and as part of the ‘Evan Erickson Music 2023 Call for Scores’(Memphis, USA).

Giovanni Liguori (Italy)
Hypnos - Reminiscenze oniriche per grande orchestra
Born in Cava de’ Tirreni, Italy in 1989. He graduated in Clarinet, Wind Orchestra Instrumentation, and Composition with top grades at the Conservatory of Salerno. He studied and attended courses with Giancarlo Turaccio, Tristan Murail, and Helmut Lachenmann. His works are regularly featured in the artistic seasons of the Italian Lyric Ensemble, the Soloists of Salerno Sinfonietta, and the Drexel Concert Band of Philadelphia, which recorded his piece "Iberian Rhapsody." He is also the author of the CD "Metamorfosi in Fuga," published by Ad est dell’equatore, and a musician with various orchestral and chamber formations in Italy and the United States. He teaches Chamber Music at the Conservatory of Vibo Valentia.

Comments for the Final / as a single judge
for the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2024
I was looking for clarity and variety and less reliance on gesture in the scores that were submitted.
I had been hoping that there were some works submitted that concentrated on a single simple idea which was carried through to the end. Orchestral music is not always about large blocks of sound. When you have a large orchestra at your disposal it doesn’t mean all the players should be playing continually. We need relief and some strategic planning. Scores that use all the tessituras and most of the orchestra playing continually are dull. It takes bravery - and maybe experience - to do this and many young composers haven’t heard enough of their music to strike out in this direction.
The final four pieces I selected have more rhythmic interest and not a reliance on texture and sections full of ascending and descending scales and long passages of harmonics. Although the four I chose have complex ideas they are not continually dense, they have more than continuous walls of sound. So there is air and lightness which relieves the density. I was looking for transparency and clarity of thought.
I hope the final four will demonstrate, when they are played in the final concert, that to quote an old phrase ‘Variety is the spice of life’.
Mark-Anthony Turnage
Final Concert
15:00, Sun. 26 May, 2024
Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall: Takemitsu Memorial
Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2024: Final Concert
Mark-Anthony Turnage, judge
Yoichi Sugiyama, conductor
Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra
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