The Takahashi Collection is a collection of contemporary art that has been assembled by psychiatrist Takahashi Ryutaro. Highly acclaimed worldwide as indispensable, it provides a sweeping overview of the Japanese art scene since the 1990s. Takahashi began collecting seriously in the 1990s, and from an early stage he focused on leading Japanese artists such as Nara Yoshitomo, Murakami Takashi, Aida Makoto, and Yanobe Kenji, collecting many of their important works. He quickly became well known as a collector of contemporary art. In more recent years he has exhibited a willingness to collect long-established artists, such as those in the Mono-ha [School of Things], with intention of broadening his collection. Takahashi's passion for collecting is always underpinned by his love for Japanese art and culture, and by his sharp eye.
The title of this exhibition is Mirror Neuron, which Takahashi proposes as a watchword for contemplating Japanese art and culture. The exhibition presents the Takahashi Collection on an unprecedented scale, providing a deep understanding of the currents and characteristics of Japanese contemporary art from a more comprehensive and historical perspective. Through the exhibit of roughly 140 works by 52 artists including Kusama Yayoi, Funakoshi Katsura, Nawa Kohei, and Chim↑Pom, the exhibition provides a vivid experience of contemporary art.
Aida Makoto, Aoki Ryoko, Aoyama Satoru, Asai Yusuke, Araki Nobuyoshi, Ando Masako, Ikeda Manabu, Ito Zon, Inoue Yuichi, Enokura Koji, Oiwa Oscar, Okada Kenzo, Ozawa Tsuyoshi, Odani Motohiko, Kazama Sachiko, Kashiki Tomoko, Kato Izumi, Kato Mika, Kanesaka Kenji, Kusama Yayoi, Konoike Tomoko, Kobayashi Takanobu, Kobayashi Masato, Kondo Aki, Shioyasu Tomoko, Suga Kishio, Suda Yoshihiro, Sekine Nobuo, Tatsuno Toeko, Tabaimo, Chim↑Pom, Nakamura Kazumi, Nara Yoshitomo, Nawa Kohei, Nishio Yasuyuki, Ninagawa Mika, Hashimoto Masaya, Funakoshi Katsura, Machida Kumi, Matsui Erina, Maruyama Naofumi, Mr., Miyanaga Aiko, Murakami Takashi, Murase Kyoko, Morimura Yasumasa, Moriyama Daido, Yanagi Miwa, Yanobe Kenji, Yamaguchi Akira, Yokoo Tadanori, Lee Ufan

1996 photo collage, paint on paper 24.3 x 33.4 cm
Photo:KIOKU Keizo
© Yayoi Kusama
Courtesy of KUSAMA Enterprise, Ota Fine Arts

The Sphinx with Far Hand
2006 paint on camphor wood, marble, leather, iron 110.0 x 90.0 x 40.5 cm
© FUNAKOSHI Katsura, Courtesy of Nishimura Gallery

Food Chain Star Wars!
2008 oil on canvas, music box 162.0 x 224.0 cm
© Erina Matsui

AIDA Makoto
2001 acrylic on canvas 290.0 x 210.5 cm
Photo:KIOKU Keizo
© AIDA Makoto
Courtesy of Mizuma Art Gallery