生誕100年記念 The Life and Art of NAMBATA Tatsuoki—on the Centennial Anniversary of his Birth (2005)
[ Exhibition ]

Record of Life 4 oil on canvas 1994
Private collection photo: SAITO Arata

Hospital Diary 24: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony
colour ink on paper 1997
Private collection photo: SAITO Arata

6.Painting until he could paint no more
 1997 (age 92)

Nambata Tatsuoki’s intense drive to create continued into his later years. Even when hospitalised, he was determined to keep painting until he could paint no more—he worked on paper using coloured marker pens and ballpoint pens. Thirty-one of those works are grouped together here as his Hospital Diary, and they seem to show the penetrating mind of a painter close to the end of his own life. Other works included in this section are some of his works in pencil and unfinished oil paintings from his studio.

←5. Death and resurrection

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