生誕100年記念 The Life and Art of NAMBATA Tatsuoki—on the Centennial Anniversary of his Birth (2005)
[ Exhibition ]

Blue Night oil, enamel on canvas 1966
Private collection photo: SAITO Arata

4.The shiver of life 1955–1973 (age 50–68)

Nambata’s oil paintings from the latter half of the 1950s to the beginning of the 1970s reveal a variety of experiments by the artist to simply construct and expand images using only lines and colours. Works from the early 1960s include paintings employing dripping techniques and other methods that are obviously influenced by Abstract Expressionism. Eventually though, Nambata’s lines and colours intermingled, producing forms on the canvas that seem to be alive. As he commented in 1968, “the creation of art necessarily involves emotional excitement and the shiver of life.”

←3.Searching for direction—
from representational to abstract
5.Death and resurrection →

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